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EN Welch clock "Click" to Login or Register 
OK..The Welch clcok is here. I decided to do a different post for this one. I have sent the seller an email about this clcok. Here it is. I would appreciate some input. Thank You..
Stevan Tiffin

Steve Again..... Well the clock came in today..this afternoon around 400pm. My wife called me at work and sayed, :"Its here". I took off work, bout 5 minutes away, went home, and she had carefully put it on the dining room table. As you suggested, I took pictures of the box and inside too. See the pics.
Jamie and I both agree that this clock is very beautiful. I have carefully examined the packaging and clock with detail.
First packaging. The box was crushed somewhat on the top left side as you can see. However; inside everything seemed to be intact and no damage. The key and pendulum were carefully wrapped up separate from the clock. The clock was wrapped up nicely and taped up. Plenty, plenty of those little white peanuts to secure everything and I sincerely believe all the wrapping did its job. I did not receive the oil kit. But no big deal. I can order one of those.
Again, I observed no visible damage to the clock at all. Nice clock! I did notice that there seemed to be at one time some sort of wood border decoration running front to back just beneath the roof, ( as I will call it ), on the sides. I can see where it left a print and where the original small nail holes have been filled and maybe another finish applied long ago. I also observed small filled nail or screw holes where maybe a different slightly larger dial was there at one time. There are also two filled very small screw or nail holes where some sort of hinge was present at one time just to the right of the dial. I can't locate any EN Welch markings anywhere on the case or movement unless it is on the dial side of the movement.
But we really are not that disappointed with the above comments in regard to our observations.
Now... I read all the instructions that was included, (thank you), and I slowly and carefully wound the clock up. Proceeded to install the pendulum. I did notice it slightly swings toward the striker but no big deal. That is because the wire hook it hangs on is slightly bent toward the striker, but it does not make contact with the striker. It tick tocks nicely with an even beat.
I do have a problem with it chiming on the correct hour and half. I followed the instructions to the T, but I can't get it to chime right. Sometimes it chimes 13 times. And on the hour it will chime say 5 times and when you get to the half it might strike one time or several times. I need a little help. My wife has a lot of confidence in this clock. I need a little help, please. I'm going to send those pics in a separate email cause I don't think they are here.
Steve & Jamie Tiffin
Posts: 65 | Location: Mississippi in the USA | Registered: March 16, 2008
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