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WEBB C. BALL CLOCK "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Pete Cronos
I am researching a Web C Ball clock that I saw last week. It resembles a Seth Thomas #2. It was marked on the dial and glass Webb C. Ball. I believ it to be of recent production. Has anyone seen these anyplace for sale? Any additional info on this clock appreciated.
Pete Cronos
Posts: 121 | Location: Jonesboro, Arkansas USA | Registered: April 23, 2003
Picture of Gary Morgret
Hi Pete
Seth Thomas #2's are my passion. I have 4 of them. You ask do they resemble #2's Yes they are the same clock, just marked Ball but made by Seth Thomas. I have never seen a dial marked Webb C. Ball. All dials I have seen in person, in sales, in other peoples collections etc. were marked Ball Watch Co. Cleveland. These clocks have original ST movements, 61 or 77. All Ball clocks came with a ST label in the botton with a Ball label over it or a Ball label on the inside right corner. Keep in mind in 1976 there were 1000 reproduction Seth Thomas #2's made that have a small brass tag marked with the production number.
Without seeing the clock, the information you have provided, I would say repo. You don't mention a price but if its cheap its wrong. My information is based on 15 years of looking for "nice original" #2's and talking with people o lot older than I and owners of old collections.
E-mail me and I can send you a link to one for sale that a friend of mine is looking at buying.

Posts: 141 | Location: Northwest Ohio in the USA | Registered: October 02, 2003
Picture of Andy Krietzer
What is the value difference on the original vs. the 1,000 repro ST #2? (I'm not talking about ones marked Ball, the regular ones). Are there other repros, other than the 1,000 by ST?

Posts: 1190 | Location: Indiana in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 25, 2002
Picture of Gary Morgret
I checked my Seth Thomas book and there were 4000 repo's made in 1976 not 1000 as I stated.
I have seen the repo's on E-Bay going from $600-$700 but have not been watching much in the last year.
Check E-Bay Repo and lets see where it goes. Beat up originals at marts priced at $900-$1100 but not being sold. Super nice original #2's painted dial with original finish, not messed with, and a clearly ledgeable date stamp on the back seem to be priced in the $2000 range or up. There is one that I told the owner if they decide to ever sell it I would like the first shot at it and I am willing to pay $2400-$2600 just because the patina is just awsome. Also has the original bill of sale and set up instructions.
Keep in mind I only look at the early 3 piece bottom style and never look at the later one piece bottom style. I am sure they run a little less. Nice later style looks good, with partial date stamp showing sold on E-Bay for $1500 Here my guess is this clock is from the 30's
Hope this helps.
Check Adam Hutira's post "Regulator twins" to see my 2 favorite clocks.

Posts: 141 | Location: Northwest Ohio in the USA | Registered: October 02, 2003
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