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Mason & Sullivan Grand Father Clock Case "Click" to Login or Register 
I have acquired an unfinished Mason & Sullivan Grand Father Case model 6152 ( 1981) Missing are the top and bottom oak front doors ( I have the Glass) and the movement and chime support. I would like the Items or detailed plans for them. Can you help?
Thanks in advance. Gord
Posts: 19 | Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | Registered: July 16, 2004
Gordon, I have a Mason and Sullivan GF clock but have no idea what model it is. It was put together by my Grandfather in the 70s. I'll photograph it this evening .If it looks like what you need I'll send you some measurements etc.
How tall and wide is your case?

Posts: 124 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: May 27, 2009
Gordon, Does it look anything like this one? Excluding the Seth Thomas mantle clock I put in there while the original movement is out?

Posts: 124 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: May 27, 2009
Michael, I must apologize for not answering sooner. You have a fine looking case, but unfortunately it is not the model I have. I am told that NAWCC have all the plans, but so far I haven't found them. Can I leave your offer on hold. I presume that the board that holds the movement and chimes is attached to the lower section when you remove the hood. Thanks for all the help. Gord gmaci@telus.net
Posts: 19 | Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada | Registered: July 16, 2004
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