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Great NEWS for Pattye!!!! "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Justin J. Miller

I know you asked me to do a little research on your cuckoo...

I am going to make your day!

Pulled out the old GK 1904 catalog... and your clock is there!

Let me tell you a little bit about it!

It is listed in the 1904 Catalog as a model #6

It sold (retail) in 1904 for $17.30 (one of the more $$$ in the catalog)

It lists the clock as 23" H. 14" W with a 6 inch dial.

The front of the case should be made out of 3 layers of wood.

It could be ordered in Oak or Walnut.

Hang tight I will post a picture out of the catalog.

It is a nice clock, if I were you I would get a nice pair of bone hands for the clock.

In the catalog picture you can see the style of hands that should have been on there, clear as day.

I can put you in contact with a person that makes hands out of bone in the old world style.

Now you have a documented cuckoo!

Please post a pic of your clock to this page, I will update later today with the catalog photo.


Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
Picture of Justin J. Miller
Here it is, No. 6 in the middle.

Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
Picture of Justin J. Miller
Here is is No. 6 in the middle
Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
Picture of Justin J. Miller
Here is Pattye's GK #6 cuckoo a perfect match.

Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
Thanks so very much for your help!! I have been trying to document that clock from my disabled father's collection since 1997. It is the only desirable cuckoo (I think) he had collected.

It seems that a bit of trim from behind the deer is missing but it is still attractive to me. If you could provide the information on replacing the hands, I would be most grateful. I would like to make it as authentic as possible.

Your antimated German clocks are quite fascinating. Thanks for posting them, as well.
I am looking forward to future posts from you.
Again, welcome to this site.

Posts: 119 | Location: Lookout Mountain, Georgia U.S.A. | Registered: October 14, 2004
Picture of Justin J. Miller

His name is Roy, he does fantastic work.


I would email him the catalog pic, and he can match the hands.

Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
Thanks, Justin, I will contact him.

You are a great example of helping others! That is what life is all about. Keep up the good work!

Posts: 119 | Location: Lookout Mountain, Georgia U.S.A. | Registered: October 14, 2004
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