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Welby Clock ? "Click" to Login or Register 
My daughter picked me up a Welby tambour style clock today.
What made her get it was that it had three winding arbors and she had never saw one until today. Truth come out neither had I. Also it said it was made in Germany and all my clocks were American made. I assume one arbor is to wind the clock train and the other two wind striking trains. It chime on the quarter hour and counts on the hour. I am not sure what this type chime is called?
I ran a search in the IHC-185 for Welby and it did not give me any clue on this clock.
If anyone could possibly point me in the proper direction on what I have I would grateful.
She gave $75 for it. How good or bad did she do?

Posts: 46 | Location: Van Wert, Ohio in the USA | Registered: January 21, 2006

Posts: 46 | Location: Van Wert, Ohio in the USA | Registered: January 21, 2006
stamped in rear plate

Posts: 46 | Location: Van Wert, Ohio in the USA | Registered: January 21, 2006
Picture of Tom Seymour
Bob, If the clock is working she did very well.
You have it right. three trains wound separately: time, strike and chime.

I am only seeing three chime rods or hammers, but I am thinking there have to be four. It most likely plays Wesminster Chimes. 4 notes on the first quarter, 8 on the half hour, 12 on the 3/4 hour and 16 on the hour.

One reference for welby indicates it is a division of Elgin National Industries.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Thanks for the reply Tom.
I forgot to tell how many rods were inside.
Their are 5 rods inside. And you described the chimes sequence properly. 4-8-12-16 notes then Strikes a 3 note chord on the hour count.
I appears to have two service numbers on it along with an X near a bushing in the escape movement area that can be seen. So It probably has been serviced at least twice. This is another first for me. That being a movement with a balance wheel instead of a pendulum.
Told the wife I was running out of shelf space and was going to start looking for more wall clocks. Big Grin

As a qute from another 185 member. "I love this addiction" Wink

Posts: 46 | Location: Van Wert, Ohio in the USA | Registered: January 21, 2006
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