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Cleaning blackened or spotty dials "Click" to Login or Register 
Cleaning blackened or spotty dials

Can anyone give me recommendations on how to make an old dial presentable.......... I dont like the idea of refinishing, takes away the magic........
Cleaners? method?
Posts: 3 | Location: Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 29, 2009
Picture of Wayne Hanley
Keith, do a Find-Or-Search with the words
dial cleaning. Enjoy some real useful ideas.

Posts: 370 | Location: Northern California in the USA | Registered: November 10, 2007
I've had good and bad luck with these:
soap and water

Seems the "better" the dial, the easier it is to clean with good results.
I've had print come right off some with water, and everything stay put on others with tarn-x.
I don't suggest doing anything to a dial that you're not prepared to have messed up.
Posts: 88 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: June 23, 2008
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