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Hamilton exploding dial "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
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Picture of Tony Dukes
Posts: 1953 | Location: Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S.A. | Registered: August 01, 2003
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Picture of William J. Hansen, Ph.D.
Lots of sizzle here, not much steak. The case appears to be in nice condition. The dial is a redial, and it appears to me that the hands and perhaps the numbers are the (ugh!) bright neon green. The dial style itself isn't what I'd consider "rare". I suspect I have 4 such dials in my dial drawer, and have had many examples of the cushion with this dial.

"Only 4,875 examples were made". According to Rene Rondeau, this is true, but they seem to turn up very, very often.

I have a solid green gold, plain bezel example of this same watch for sale at half the price!

Bill Hansen
IHC# 198
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Posts: 813 | Location: Cincinnati, Ohio USA | Registered: January 22, 2003
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Picture of Tony Dukes
Thanks for the fast reply. Wish you would share a pic of one of your exploding dials.
Posts: 1953 | Location: Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S.A. | Registered: August 01, 2003
Hamilton WW Expert
IHC Life Member
Hi Tony and Bill:

I wouldn't say that the "exploding numeral" dials are rare (Hamilton dial #02) on the Cushion Form Opening, but original examples are certainly scarce. The Cushion Form Opening’s “plain luminous” dial (Hamilton dial #01) is considerably more common.

One reason that “exploding numeral” dials for Cushion Form Openings typically don’t demand a premium is because the dial is a painted dial, as opposed to an enameled dial. In other words, you can take a “plain luminous” Cushion Form Opening dial and have it refinished as an “exploding numeral” dial without altering or changing the dial itself. This can not be done with an “enamel dial” as the enamel is baked into the dial itself and not simply “painted” on.

Unlike the Cushion Form Opening, the Meadowbrook, Pinehurst and Oakmont utilized “exploding numerals but used inlaid enamel numerals and track – here is a link to a Meadowbrook utilizing an enamel “exploding numeral” dial (Meadowbrook enamel "Exploding Numeral Dial") and a Pinehurst utilizing an enamel exploding numeral dial (Pinehurst enamel "Exploding Numeral Dial").

I hope this information has been helpful.


Posts: 80 | Location: Carlstadt, New Jersey U.S.A. | Registered: January 23, 2005
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