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need help with research question "Click" to Login or Register 
Wristwatch Expert

does anyone own a copy of Roy Ehrhardt's Hamilton Watch ID Guide? A shot of the cover is attached. I need to know the entry for the Vancott, which he referred to in his book as the "Van Cott." I think he may have even accidentally put it in the ladies' section.

I'm running out of options to get the info for a story I'm doing for the national. The library DOES NOT have a copy of this book, if you can believe it.

Please help if you can. What I need is a scan of the page with the "Van Cott" on it. His entry for this watch is an error, and I'm doing a story on how Will Roseman did some research and corrected it. You can either post the scan as a reply to this group, or send the scan direct to my email address at brucetime@inwave.com. I'd be very grateful.

Bruce Shawkey

Posts: 84 | Location: Evansville, Wisconsin USA | Registered: April 30, 2005
There are pictures of the two Vancotts I own at this link with some information from Mssrs Rondeau and Roseman

Posts: 676 | Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
IHC Life Member
Wristwatch Host
Picture of Tony Dukes
I have a copy of thewristwatch price guide.
Posts: 1953 | Location: Atlanta, Georgia in the U.S.A. | Registered: August 01, 2003
I have an adv. somewhere that calls them "boys watches" I beleive... give me some time to track the adv. down..

Posts: 764 | Location: Saint Petersburg, Florida USA | Registered: June 26, 2003
Bruce, I own a copy of that guide, but have no way of getting a scan to you. I could however fax a copy of that page to you if you would like.

There is no "Ladies" section in the guide. It lists the watches in alphabetical order, mens and womens mixed together.

In the mean time, here is the entry for the Van Cott from the guide:

2449 \ Van Cott (Lady) \ S \ 68 \ Round \ 987-S/M \ 17 \ 14KYG \ $40

Each of the columns are in this order:
1) Guide entry number
2) Watch name
3) Seconds (S=subsidiary, C=center, etc.)
4) Circa
5) Shape
6) Grade movement
7) Number of jewels
8) Head metal
9) Guide price

It's clear that looking at the entry fot the Van Cott, Roy had quite a few errors, he did however at least know about its exsistence.
Posts: 14 | Location: Richmond, Virginia USA | Registered: June 01, 2005
Wristwatch Expert

Thank you for all your help. A couple of people sent me scans of the relevant page from Roy's book, so I am all set. Jeff, if you find that ad where the 401s are referred to as "boy's watches", let me know. Again, thanks to all. I am overwhelmed by so many of you that would drop what you're doing to help out a fellow Chap. 185 member.

Posts: 84 | Location: Evansville, Wisconsin USA | Registered: April 30, 2005
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