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Can someone please help me identify this watch? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jim Robson
Hi All, In a recent auction someone identified this Illinois watch as a Stephen, but in another thread there was some doubt about that name. That name could not be found in Frederic Friedberg's book. Can someone please put a correct name on it? I'm having trouble ordering a crystal.

The movement is a 6/0, grade 903 model 1. Serial number 4790369. The vintage is about 1925.

Thanks for all help. Smile

My dad's Illinois
Posts: 116 | Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma USA | Registered: February 07, 2007
I am not an expert on Illinois wristwatch cases. I do know that this is not Stephen as pictured in Meggers and Ehrhardt. It is similar, but not the same.

To complicate matters, Illinois sold movements uncased (as well as some factory cased watches). Many jewelry supply houses would then case these movements.

Posts: 173 | Location: Columbia, Pennsylvania U.S.A. | Registered: July 13, 2004
IHC Life Member
Picture of Ethan Lipsig
I have a similar watch that I would describe as a generic "square." It is in a 14k Moray's W.C.C. case.

Posts: 1414 | Location: Pasadena, California USA | Registered: November 11, 2005
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