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Would Like GS Number For Hamilton Seneca Crystal? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Mark Nathanson
I am looking to replace the crystal for a Hamilton Seneca/Sherwood watch. I would like the original or copy of the crystal that was made for the watch. Someone asked for the GS stock number. Can someone supply the number for this crystal? Appreciated, thanks.
Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
Going by the picture in Shugarts the crystal is straight sided.What are the measurements across and top to bottom?
J Smith
Posts: 188 | Location: Warrenton, North Carolina U.S.A. | Registered: January 12, 2003
Picture of Mark Nathanson
Thanks.Looks to be 25CMX16CM.
Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
I found a Rocket plastic crystal that is 25 mm X 17.1 mm and a glass crystal that is 24.6 mm X 16 mm,and another glass one that is 25 mm X 17.If you think you can use any of these,let me know.I think you will have to fit whatever you find.If you send it to a material house they might find the right fit.
J Smith
Posts: 188 | Location: Warrenton, North Carolina U.S.A. | Registered: January 12, 2003
The crystal is listed in the 1941 GS catalog as an MX375 and in the BB 1937 catalog as MX-2453 (for glass).
Posts: 536 | Location: El Cerrito, California U.S.A. | Registered: October 04, 2004
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