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Somewhat @'Wrist' "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 234
Picture of Jim Cope
...anyone have a pair of these?...besides 'Balph Rehner' that is!...picked these up @auction for a buck...now to find a dress shirt w/french cuffs...Jim C

Posts: 872 | Location: Kingsville, Ontario, Canada | Registered: April 16, 2003
Picture of Ralph Rehner
I knew my other watch cufflink (lost at the Dearborn regional)would finally turn up. And here I thought all that hand shaking was because you were happy to see me. I have to admit that I tryed the same thing with Tom Seymour without any success. Numerous bakeslapping welcomes failed to knock a clock off him.

I've had to accomodate the naked "French Cuff" with this cute music box cufflink ever since.

Ralph Rehner, "The Clock Pup" and Longines Watch Guy

Posts: 89 | Location: Brunswick, Ohio USA | Registered: January 17, 2003
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