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help - International Dial "Click" to Login or Register 
On this site somewhere is an article from the chap coonnected with internaional dial which explains the benefits of dial refinishing and the different services international dial offer.

I know because I read it. In the same article there is an e-mail address.

It is the e-mail address that I am after because I have a dial that I wish to send and as I am in the UK I would rather send a photo of the dial first to see if they have the dies necessary to reprint it at a reasonable price.

Can anyone help?

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Hello Clive,

Here is the topic wherein I recommended International Dial for your Hamilton Masonic Dial restoration...

Click for: Restoring a Hamilton Masonic Watch Dial

And click here to use IHC185 Find-Or-Search for International Dial

International Dial was the source Hamilton used to recondition wrist watch dials for many years so they are a very worthwhile resource. Always be sure to specify exactly what you want done and my advice is to willingly pay extra for anything that makes for a more perfect, more correct, more original outcome.

Best to you always,


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Thanks Lindell. I have sent an e-mail and picture to international Dial to check whether they have the correct die before sending off the dial from the UK.

Much appresciated.

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
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