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I don't know if you've all noticed or not, we've had a pretty significant increase in Wristwatch traffic over the last week Eek

In fact we've moved into 2nd. place on the discussion site traffic since we've now got more posts and replies than the Clock Collectors !! Wink

It's a great start but we've still got a long......... way to go to catch up with the PW folks. Some day maybe ???

Thanks for your great participation, let's keep it up. Big Grin
Posts: 976 | Location: Texas in the U.S.A. | Registered: January 27, 2004
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
Hi Dave,
Funny, wristwatches were always my passion, or should I say my FIRST passion for watches. Lately, it's been Pocket Watches.
I still check all the time for the new wristwatches that are out there, jut not every minute like I used to. I have noticed that there are a lot more buyers than there were before too.
Trying to get a nice, cheap, wristwatch, is almost impossible now.
See what happens when you start checking out Pocket Watches.
A few months later when you go back, you get shell shock, at the new prices on these babies.
The days of a nice cheap vintage WW are over for a while I guess. Maybe that's good, now I will look at the "Better" watches I used to ignore. If I'm gonna pay more, it's going to be for a "Better" watch.
This may be the reason for the large amount of posts. I also noticed that the PW sales are higher too. Maybe there's some switching of another kind going on now???

Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
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