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Hamilton WW Expert

Picture of Gary Cole
In addition i to collecting the watches , i enjoy collecting advertising showing the watch for sale.

Hamilton partnered with National Geographic for many many years, often advertising on the first page when you open the magazine.

I have over 70 different ads up to and just beyond WW2.

I am lacking an ad for the Oval, Piping Rock and Coronado. I am very interested in an ad for the Oval.

Can anybody help with a photocopy or possibly the actual ad - Thanks

Posts: 61 | Location: Sarasota, Florida U.S.A. | Registered: May 30, 2004
Picture of Tom Seymour
Gary, are the ads you are looking for only from National Geographic? Or do some from other sources interest you?

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Hamilton WW Expert
IHC Life Member
Picture of Bryan J. Girouard
I have an ad for the Oval, I'll check to see if it is from NG.

Bryan J. Girouard
Art Deco Wristwatches
Posts: 169 | Location: Dallas, Texas U.S.A, | Registered: March 30, 2004
Hamilton WW Expert

Picture of Gary Cole

Tom ,any source is fine, i just happen to have a bunch from NG
Posts: 61 | Location: Sarasota, Florida U.S.A. | Registered: May 30, 2004
Picture of Jerry Treiman
I have an NG ad that shows the Piping Rock and the Robert Morris (pocketwatch). They are drawings, with a locomotive on the left and the words "The Beating Heart of Time ..." below. I don't know the date. I can send you a scan if you like. contact me.
Posts: 1455 | Location: Los Angeles, California USA | Registered: January 14, 2003
IHC Life Member
The Oval appears in N.G. of March 1928, possibly the earliest appearance ?

Posts: 423 | Location: West Walton, United Kingdom | Registered: November 16, 2005
Hamilton WW Expert

Picture of Gary Cole
Thanks for the heads up Dan

I received a scan from Bryan and just found a NG from 3-28 on ebay and ordered it

Posts: 61 | Location: Sarasota, Florida U.S.A. | Registered: May 30, 2004
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