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A Gruen "Veri-Thin Guardsman"... found on eBay...with this image...which pretty accurately portrays the condition...

Posts: 267 | Location: Huntsville, Alabama USA | Registered: December 12, 2005
And now, after a quick dial swap with one from the parts bin, (while the original goes for a much needed refinish), proper hands, a new glass crystal, appropriate leather strap and a light polishing...

Posts: 267 | Location: Huntsville, Alabama USA | Registered: December 12, 2005
Condition is not as nice as I'd like, so this one will eventually get the full restoration treatment, including case work...but, it's a rare and unusual Gruen, obviously inspired by the Flintridge, and apparently no more of a commercial success. Produced only in 1939 as far as I can tell.

This is only the fourth one I've ever seen, and the second without personalization on the lid. The lid is also in surprisingly good shape considering how much this one was apparently worn. It appears to have been used without a crystal for some time, both from the heavy oxidation on the original dial, and from the ring scratched into the underside of the lid where the minute hand dragged on it's way around. There is fairly significant wear to the caseback, but no abuse, and again no engravings.

Just wanted to share a Gruen guy's new plaything. Wore it today, and it did attract attention when I flipped the lid open. I'll post new pics when the eventual restoration is completed.
Posts: 267 | Location: Huntsville, Alabama USA | Registered: December 12, 2005
Hamilton WW Expert
IHC Life Member
Picture of Bryan J. Girouard
I've had two of these over the years... now at long last I know its true name... Guardsman... thanks Cary.

Bryan J. Girouard
Art Deco Wristwatches
Posts: 169 | Location: Dallas, Texas U.S.A, | Registered: March 30, 2004

Gruen had a bad habit of switching names, or using different names for the same watch with different dials, or with a different strap. I've also seen this watch called the "Veri-Thin Stealth", which was also a name used for the non-hunter version of the same design.

I have a spring 1940 Gruen mailer that pictures this watch and calls it "Guardsman", so that's what I'm going with.

This mailer and some of my other materials will be shortly going to Bruce Shawkey, who is going to scan them and make them available through the library. Eventually I hope to get many of the Gruen names back into general usage.


Posts: 267 | Location: Huntsville, Alabama USA | Registered: December 12, 2005
IHC Life Member
Picture of Roy New
Excellent piece of "Gruen" history.

Those old "mailer's" & "ad's" a quite impressive.

Keep up the good work.

Crackerjack of a watch also!


"So mote it be!"
Posts: 463 | Location: London in the United Kingdom | Registered: January 11, 2006
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