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Hamilton & Paul Brequelle Watch ID??? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Mark Nathanson
Can someone identify both these watches? Appoximate Value would be nice also.Appreciated, thanks.

Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
IHC Member 638

Your Hamilton looks like a "Forbes" from the early 1950's. I'm not an expert but the gold filled rectangular Hamiltons usually go in the $100-$225 range. Yours looks very nice and would be closer to the upper end of the scale.

I am unfamiliar with the Paul Brequelle but I'm confident someone here knows what it is.

Mike Smile
Posts: 166 | Location: Northeastern Ohio USA | Registered: July 21, 2005
The average Ebay selling price for the Forbes model is $113. The price range is $52-$227. The prices are for above average condition, i.e. running, keeping time, minimal wear, clean dial.
Posts: 113 | Location: Waukesha, Wisconsin USA | Registered: September 10, 2006
Any chance the non-Hamilton is Paul Berguette instead of Brequelle? I did a quick search with Google for "paul breguette" and there are 10 watches on Ebay; most have kinda low bids at the moment.
Posts: 676 | Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
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