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WELCOME OUR NEW CO-HOST, DAVE FREEMAN... "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle



Dave Freeman as of today is joining Dr. Bill Hansen in Co-Hosting our Wristwatch Discussions area!

Bill's primary interest is in Illinois and Hamilton, Dave is focused more on European and modern-day watches watches. Between them we have two bright, witty and involved collectors who will make this adventure all the more interesting for all of us.

Here is Dave's Profile...

I'm 66 years young as of today July first Mad, retired and I'm originally from Greenock Scotland. I've been married for 41 years to the same great lady, my wife June. Razz Along with our two small children we immigrated to the U.S. in 1968. My wife, a retired school teacher and I now live in the Texas Hill Country. Eek Our married daughter and her family live in Plano Texas, our married son lives in Seattle.

In my last position in Scotland, prior to moving to the U.S.A., I was the Chief Tool Design Engineer for TIMEX in Dundee Scotland. I guess I can point to this period as being the start of my love affair with anything that tells time. Big Grin

NOTE:- Around the late 1960's, the TIMEX plants in Dundee were making a high percentage of the movement and case piece parts for the corporation. Many of these parts were shipped to Little Rock Arkansas for final assembly. To give you an idea of what high volume watch manufacturing was like, the TIMEX assembly plant in Dundee was assembling and testing various models adding up to approx. 20,000 WATCHES PER DAY!!! Cool

After moving to the U.S. I spent over 30 years in the computer industry, mainly in Technical Management positions. Over the years we've lived in quite a few places and travelled to many more across the globe.

I've been a fairly active collector for about twenty years during which time I've accummulated a number of clocks, pocket watches and wrist watches. In the earlier days of collecting, my wife would sometimes complain about me spending money on "MY TOYS". Mad Now she sees the value of some of these items/investments and how they've appreciated. She now affectionately refers to them as "OUR TOYS" Big Grin Smile Wink

Dave Freeman
IHC Member 321

As you can see from reading the above and from his other posts, Dave is an amusing, interesting and intelligent guy with a lot to contribute. We hope to have something fresh and interesting happening here every day. I'm sure Bill and Dave will keep the friendly and informative conversation going.

Join me in warmly welcoming Dave to our Chapter 185 Administration Staff.



Our New Co-Host, Dave Freeman...

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Ted Steuernagel
Dave, Welcome to your new position glad we have someone with your knowage. REGARDS TED
Posts: 335 | Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A. | Registered: November 23, 2002
Wristwatch Expert
IHC Life Member
Picture of William J. Hansen, Ph.D.
Welcome Dave!

I am delighted that Lindell saw fit to find a Wristwatch Co-Host who actually knows something about wristwatches. Call me crazy, but having a shrink moderate a wristwatch board seems...well...you know.

In all seriousness, I am delighted. Every day I learn more about wristwatches. At least once a day, I learn just how much I don't know. It seems especially clear this week.

I am delighted that you are here.

As Lindell mentioned, my primary interest is in American wrist watches. I own about 30 Hamiltons. I have an interest in Illinois, Elgin, and our home town favorite, Gruen, but my true love is Hamilton.

My sincere hope is that we can fuel the growing interest in these mechanical wonders. The wristwatch contingent is fairly large here in the IHC, and I would like to increase the active presence of my fellow fanatics.

If I can be of any help to you, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Bill Hansen
IHC# 198
Life Member# 17

Posts: 813 | Location: Cincinnati, Ohio USA | Registered: January 22, 2003
Welcome Dave, I hope to learn in the future...

Bill........ WHO DAT?? Looks like some congrats are in order for you also......
Posts: 1496 | Registered: November 20, 2002
Wristwatch Expert
IHC Life Member
Picture of William J. Hansen, Ph.D.
Terry, Thanks so much, but it is a dated photo. My son is now 27.

Actually, just 3

Bill Hansen
IHC# 198
Life Member# 17
Posts: 813 | Location: Cincinnati, Ohio USA | Registered: January 22, 2003
whew! U had me goin there for a minute...
Posts: 1496 | Registered: November 20, 2002
Picture of Stephanie O'Neil

Congratulations on your new position as Co-Host of our Wristwatch Discussion area!

Look forward to your contributions!


Nice looking duo!

Stephanie O'Neil

Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
Picture of Brian C.
Congratulations Dave.
Timex was a good, rugged watch. You would seldom see one that was worn out and very few with a broken staff.
Brian C.
Posts: 1857 | Location: Epsom, New Hampshire USA | Registered: December 14, 2002
Congrats Dave, i think you will be a very good moderator.
If i ever get my photoshop software figured out i will post some pictures of my Elgin chrono, would like some more info on it, if able to.
Yes Timex are world known and take a licking, and keep on ticking.
Posts: 2133 | Registered: June 01, 2003
Wristwatch Expert
IHC Member 319
What a cute little guy, Bill. Thanks for sharing the photos. Nice meeting you too, Dave. Looking forward to hearing some great Timex tales.

Good luck guys, and congratulations to the both of you.

Steve Pagano
Posts: 4 | Location: Huntington, New York USA | Registered: January 19, 2004
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle


I just took a look at your website...


IMPRESSED is an understatement my friend. Tell us all about the beautiful watches and your amazing images.


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
you've got some really nice stuff on your site. I plan on visiting often to look for bargains !! ( Wink )


Dave Freeman
IHC Member 321
Posts: 976 | Location: Texas in the U.S.A. | Registered: January 27, 2004
Posts: 764 | Location: Saint Petersburg, Florida USA | Registered: June 26, 2003
Wristwatch Expert
IHC Member 319
Thank you, Lindell and Dave, for the very kind words. You have done a marvellous job on this site....it is very easy to use and navigate. KUDO'S !! Regarding my modest collection, I have a number of other rare watches that are not listed on my site. You will most likely see them very soon. I wish to offer you thanks as well for the quality of my photos. I am afraid that regarding internet photography, I will have to defer to Dr. Hansen. His photos are perhaps the best I have seen anywhere. He has been most gracious and helpful in that regard. Looking forward to some great watch topics !! Thanks, guys.
Steve Pagano
Posts: 4 | Location: Huntington, New York USA | Registered: January 19, 2004
IHC Member 274
Life Member 27
Picture of Jack Goldstein
Welcome Dave, I can still hear the words, Timex, takes a liken', and keeps on tickin'"
Was that John Cameron Swazey? I'll bet Lindell knows?
We look forward to having you as a co-moderator.
Bill, How about an after on the picture,
27 years later, what a character, and I do think the world of you, even if the kinko copy people had trouble holding the reprints straight (just kidding) about Kinko's, not the picture.
Steve, Nice web site, they do take a lot of work and constant upgrades, I think all decent web sites should be called "web site in progress" nice job.
Regards to all,Jack

Jack E. Goldstein
Posts: 465 | Location: Tontitown, Arkansas USA | Registered: July 25, 2003
Yes Jack, That was John Cameron Swazy on the Steve Allen show on Sunday nights. I will never forget the time he hooked the timex to the screw on an outboard motor, and started the motor in the tank of water. After running the outboard for about a minute, it was stopped and lifted from the tank. John proudly said "now we can see it is still ticking". But--as the camera zoomed in on the screw, the watch was gone. It had come off and was lying in the bottom of the tank. John just shrugged his shoulders, gave a silly smile and said "we can't see now, but I'll bet it is still ticking.

Later in the program, the camera zoomed in on the Timex lying on the bottom of the tank, and it was still running.

Oh for the days of live TV.

Posts: 1060 | Registered: March 10, 2003
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