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Vintage Accutron Watch Bands "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Stephanie O'Neil
While taking pics of my Lord Elgin Service Award Wristwatch, I discovered the wristwatch has an Accutron band, with a gold filled tuning fork buckle. I was certainly surprised.

Take a look!

Stephanie O'Neil
NAWCC Member 143979

Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
Picture of Stephanie O'Neil
The letters POROMERIC are on one side of band, and the word ACCUTRON on the other.

Does anyone know what POROMERIC represents?

Stephanie O'Neil
NAWCC Member 143979

Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
Picture of Stephanie O'Neil
The Accutron wristwatch band is in great condition!

The neatest thing about the vintage accutron wristwatch band is the tuning fork buckle marked Bulova -1/20 10KGF.

Take a look!

Stephanie O'Neil
NAWCC Member 143979

Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
Picture of Stephanie O'Neil
Take a look!

Stephanie O'Neil
NAWCC Member 143979

Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
Picture of Stephanie O'Neil
In researching Accutron bands, I also discovered they are highly collectible as well as valuable. A new Accutron watch band with white gold filled tuning fork buckle lists at $125 - $150.

I'm wondering if my band is more desirable and more valuable than the Lord Elgin dial and movement that it's attached to? Confused Eek Roll Eyes

Any Accutron watch bands collectors out there wanting to share more info. on the subject? Confused

Comments? Confused

Stephanie O'Neil
NAWCC Member 143979
Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
Definition for poromeric:

SYLLABICATION: po·ro·mer·ic
PRONUNCIATION: pôr-mrk, pr-
NOUN: Any of several tough, porous leather substitutes.
ETYMOLOGY: Greek poros, passage; see per-2 in Appendix I + (poly)meric. Cool Cool

Phil Dellinger
NAWCC# 157070
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The "Accutron" name was trademarked in about 1960, and has been in continuous use ever since. It's still possible to get bands (and watches) marked "Accutron" even now, but Stephanie's example above appears to me to be 1970s vintage.

I think they make nice additions to vintage Accutrons, but if they're worth $125, I'm going to do some cartwheels out in the yard. I don't know where they are right now, but somewhere I have a box that must have 100 in it. My guess is that about $25 apiece is a much more realistic price, but I suppose that depends upon how badly someone wants one at any particular moment.

I'd say if you REALLY want to find out the "going rate," check the eBay logs of completed auctions, and see what some have recently brought.


Steve Maddox
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North Little Rock, Arkansas
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Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine
Another point of reference...

This "RR Approved" bow-tie Accutron you see below sold recently in our
Chapter 185 Auctions for $150.00 including the nicely marked band.

Posts: 5475 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
Picture of Stephanie O'Neil
Interesting definition! Thanks for the info!

Thanking you as usual for your continued and enlightening information. If you have new old stock Accutron wrist bands, you may just be doing cartwheels! I hope you do. Take a look!


I do hope you have a 100 or so of them. Let us know the good news! I would see where they could be worth a good bit since all wrist bands or more or less disposable after continued use. Something to think about!

I should have inserted "NOS" (key words) on my post above with regard to vintage Accutron wrist watches. Roll Eyes

Dr. Debbie,
I hope our members continue to list great watches such as that one in our Auction Forum. Thanks!

Stephanie O'Neil
NAWCC Member 143979
Posts: 1419 | Location: New Orleans, Louisiana USA | Registered: April 01, 2003
Somewhere I have seen an advertisement for new Accutron buckles but I can't remember where--another senior moment. Sometime ago I was looking at the web pages for a dealer who specializes in Accutrons and every watch pictured had an Accutron buckle so there must be a source for them out there somewhere. In my opinion it's highly unlikely that the bands and buckles were original to the watches since leather deteroirates if the watch is worn continuously. That has been my experience.
Posts: 676 | Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
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Picture of Mark Cross
Dr. Debbie, I had missed what the Accutron went for in the auction. That's almost what I paid for mine brand new back in 1975! Shortly after purchasing the watch, I had a new black Spidel twist-o-flex band installed by my watchmaker. The Accutron band wasn't all that comfortable on my wrist, as I recall. I don't believe I got it back...at least I don't REMEMBER getting it back.
I recently stumbled across a photo of me wearing the watch, dated about 1976. The watch looked great....and I was about 50 pounds lighter! It was great to see the watch again, but man, I could have done without the weight reminder! Eek WinkRegards. Mark

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