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Are there any good books on Bulova watches? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jessica Lane
If anyone knows of any, I'd appreciate knowing.

Also, Here's a truly silly, but rather crucual question: what, or who, is ETA???? Confused

Posts: 834 | Location: New York, New York U.S.A. | Registered: September 06, 2003
Jessica, i believe ETA is a wrist watch movement company, swiss i think. Smile Wink
Posts: 2133 | Registered: June 01, 2003
Dear Jessica:
Keep your eyes on ebay.Occasionally someone has the old course manuals from the now defunct Bulova watch school.I'm sure they would be a great help.Look under Pocket Watch parts for sale.
Hope this is of some help for you,good luck in your search.
Sincerely,Bob F.
Posts: 181 | Location: New Castle, Delaware U.S.A. | Registered: December 15, 2004
Here is a GEAT opportunity for someone..

Any budding writers or researchers out there?

About 3 years ago, I wa approached by two former presidents of Bulova to write a book about Bulova. They are HOT to help. They WANT this to be done. One guy is very very old and one guys is very very takative and knowledgable.

This is a GREAT story that needs to be told. A company that is almost uniquely American (in the same manner that Gruen was an "American" compnay) and the importance of Bulova in the market place is huge and important in spite of the lackluster collectors involved. They made some GREAT watches. Luxury watches. Even Cartier used them! And the Accutron story alone is worthy of a book.

It would take some work. But the first book could be as easy as a couple of long interviews with the two principles, short 10 page history (or timeline) and a hundred pages or so of pics.

I have no time. I am working on a little booklet for Ball and the Hamilton electric book is diffiuclt and I write regualrly for HR magazine.

The Bulova project will be a good one.

Contact me if you would like to get your "feet wet" by trying this.

It NEEDS to be done.
Jeff Hess
Posts: 764 | Location: Saint Petersburg, Florida USA | Registered: June 26, 2003
Dear Jessica:
Just thought you might want to know.There is a complete set of Bulova School training manuals for sale on ebay.The books are being sold by Lobman1 and they are ebay item no. 6510128996
I hope this will be of some help to you.
Sincerely,Bob F.
Posts: 181 | Location: New Castle, Delaware U.S.A. | Registered: December 15, 2004
Picture of Jessica Lane
Thanks for the tip, Robert. I'd like to have that book, although I'm under the impression that it's about watch-making in general (ie an instruction manual from the school), n ot about the watches themselves, as individual items, or classes of items.

I will check that ebay item.

Posts: 834 | Location: New York, New York U.S.A. | Registered: September 06, 2003
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