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Seeking Rolex or Tudor Info: "Click" to Login or Register 
I have a Tudor Submariner that I purchased when I was in the Navy right around 1966.I gave I believe $98.00 for it brand new.
Now,everytime I wear it to the Phila Mart I seem to always have two or three Rolex sharpies approach me and offer to buy it off me.The bezel is missing from it and one of the fellas said he could care less and offered me $1100.00 for it.I asked him why so much for a forty year old $98.00 watch and he informed me that those old Rolex movements are of much higher quality than the the contemporary Rolexes on the market now and they bring a premium price.Well I didn't sell the watch and never will but I gotta tell you if I knew then what I know now I would have spent a Helluva lot less money on booze and loose women and purchased a dozen or so of those old Tudors.
Anyway, back to my question.Could one of you Rolex sharpies explain to me what makes these old Tudors so valuable as compared to their $98.00 initial investment?Does this watch really have a superior movement?Help me out Rolex sharpies.Tell me about my watch.
Thank you for reading this.Any replies are deeply appreciated.
Sincerely,Bob Fullerton
Posts: 181 | Location: New Castle, Delaware U.S.A. | Registered: December 15, 2004
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