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Restoring a viennese Mantel clock "Click" to Login or Register
Here is a photo of the case of a viennese mantel clock around 1800-1820, in rosewood and ebony veneer.

I'll post pictures of the movement later. The four quarters are struck on 2 spiral gongs.

The guy a purchased it from had, had it for 40 years and was always going to restore it but never got around to it. Is this a familiar story? or what. I was determioned not to let it happen again

I picked it up in two carrier bags, he assured me that most if not all of it was there.

Sorry for the poor picure. This is a photo of a photo as at the time I didnt have a digital camera.

I've now finished the clock, I'll post additional photos over the next week or so.

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine


We look forward to seeing your restoration!


Posts: 5475 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
Here are some pictures of the movement before work started (again photos of photos so a little indistinct)

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
And again

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
Clive, have you had a go at putting the photo's through a scanner and photo editing programme - such as Paint Shop Pro etc?

It can get a bit tedious doing a lot of pic's that way, but you'll be happier with the results.

Certainly looking forward to seeing this one come to life, looks a very unusual clock.

Best regards

Posts: 1282 | Location: Northern England, United Kingdom | Registered: January 07, 2006
Thanks John, good tip

I really ought to try it some day.

Anyway here is the finished clock. I'll post a few pictures and then explain what needed doing and some of the interesting things I found out about the clock in my research.

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
Another view

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
The "floor" detail behind the pillars

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
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