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English Tower Clock "Click" to Login or Register
Past Administrator
IHC Life Member
Picture of Jim Wallace
The Beginning of a restoration on an English Tower Clock by Frank Del Greco:

This is a three-train, quarter striking English tower clock I bought about a
year ago. Here it is in my garage prior to restoration. Somebody way back
when painted the steel wheels an ugly orange color, so I've stripped them and
am in the process of reassembly. The metal stand came with the clock, but
I've designed a nice wood one for the living room. I'll cast some nice lead
weights for the trains. The strips of wood on either side are there to hold
the striking arms in the proper position. I used those when I first tested
the clock.
What's nice about both clocks is that they have one meter pendulums so they
go nice on a stand. Some tower clocks have two and three meter pendulums
that won't suit a living room, although I know one guy who cut a hole in the
floor of his living room so that the pendulum and weights could hang down
into the basement.

English Tower

Watch here for future updates on this restoration !

Posted by Jim W. for Frank D.
Posts: 141 | Location: Near Anchorage, Alaska USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
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