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• Hamilton-Style Dial on an illinois "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1101
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Picture of Steve Middlesworth
Here is a Hamilton 992B watch from the late 1930's era that James Shutt recently listed for sale. I use this as an example because of the dial that is on it and the vintage.

IHC Member 1101
Site Moderator
Picture of Steve Middlesworth
Now then, here are two 16 size, 19 Jewel, Bunn 60 Hour (1925-1926 production) with idetical dials with the exception of the Illinois hallmark. The one on the left was my Grandfathers watch a Type I, which we had awhile back discussed as a watch which had been recased and an upgraded dial conversion. I have since bought 3 of these movements with the same dial on them. The watch on the right is the most recent acquisition and it is a Type II. I also have a Type III coming with the same dial on it.

I discussed this with Lindell in great length last weekend and I think we ageed that this movement was a very slow seller, more jewels being more desireable back then, and maybe that is why the much smaller production of this model. Also, many of these movements would have been sitting in the vaults for many years and Hamilton decided to try and get rid of them so they used some Hamilton dials and put the Illinois hallmark on them to sell them. These are my thoughts....what are yours?

I might also speculate that when Grandfather bought this uncased movement the jeweler had a used Ball case and may have given him a deal on it.


IHC Member 1101
Site Moderator
Picture of Steve Middlesworth
So here it is. You now see a Type I, II, and III all with identical Hamilton looking dials. The Type II and III even have Hamilton style hands on them. I belive all three of these are original and would have been sold many years after they were originally made because of their lower jewel content and thus low sales. Hamilton had an inventory of them so they made some dials up and shipped them out the door. These are truly fine watches and every bit as accurate and reliable as their 21 and 23 jewel brothers. Just possibly a very interesting part of history.


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