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Illinois LakeShore 18 "Click" to Login or Register 
just bought a lot of watches for parts, i could only see the dial, size 18 Lakeshore. How collectable are they. this is only the movment in pieces. will post photos in a while. Francis...

lakeshore dial

If interested, I would be interested in the iowa watch beside it. Does it have a private label dial to match?

Hi Jared i am not sure mate. I just won them so they will be send on to me in a few days. Then about 14days to get to australia....

Understand. My wife has some relatives over there and it seems like we have to send the christmas card on thanksgiving to get the for christmas!

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Picture of Tom Brown

I have an 18 size Illinois with a Lake Shore dial with the logo similar to yours. Mine is a double sunk it is on a 17 jewel movement also marked Lake Shore.

I have never heard what the name is for but I always thought perhaps for the Lake Shore railroad. The train wreck in Kipton Ohio that is credited with starting the railroad watch inspection service occurred on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern tracks.

@Jared yes some times they differ in time to arrive. i bought one Illinions Getty on the 23rd dec, it arrived two days ago, the elgin i bought from Jon was posted the 16th Dec it arrived the day before the Getty, so u cant work it out.one from canada took 5 months. but still arrived.
@ Tom, yes may be so my friend. I heard of that Train crash at Kipton. I have an Illinois Lake Shore fake, now a real one.
The Lakeshore dial is marked Swiss. The PL is a waltham not a Illinois. The rest will be turned into parts....
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