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Illinois Grade 92 18s 11j I need some assistance "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1324
I need some help with this watch. I do not find it in the complete price guide. That really does not mean much because most of the time it is in there and I just do not see it until someone spells it out. Embarrassing. The dial has M Meckes. The watch is in great condition. I would say near mint but I know you all can detect any defects so it is in just great condition.

These are the specs that I got from the website http://pocketwatchdatabase.com

Grade: 92
Movement Serial Number: 1252536
Estimated Production Year: 1894
Run Quantity: 100
Size: 18s
Jewels: 11j
Movement Configuration: Hunting
Model: 2
Movement Setting: Lever
Plate: Full Plate
Barrel: Going

I would like to thank you in advance for your assistance. It is amazing the knowledge that is found in this group of experts.

IHC Member 1324
picture of movement

IHC Member 1324
pic 3

IHC Member 1291
Picture of Buster Beck
I believe there is an error in the site calling it a grade 92. In the Illinois Vol 2 Blue Book there is no record of a grade 92 either. I believe it is a typo error in the Vol 2 and that is probably where the site got their info. My best guess would be that it is a grade 99.

There isn't much more to add, except it has a Chalmers Patent Regulator which was pretty standard for that period and has the female winding pinion. The dial was probably special ordered by a jeweler and/or inspector in Ohio for advertising purposes making it a "private label" watch. It appears the movement is a standard stock Model 2 and not signed like the dial, which is A-typical also.

As to a value, I would look to the standard Illinois Watch Co. 11J H/C watch. The Guide pricing will be low and it probably won't even be in the book. If it's gold the case will be approaching $1000-1200 in value. If it's gold filled the case has a scrap metal value of $100-125, but gold filled H/C's in 18sz that are in nice shape and work correctly go for $150-250. If it's a brass case, they are $100-150 value if working correctly. 18sz Illinois 11J H/C movement/dial/hand combo's in good running order are going for $75-150 depending where you find them. The minute hand is non matching and is a bit too short for your watch, you need a straight shaft Breguet "moon" style minute hand to match your hour hand that will just touch your minute marker track as it sweeps around. Your watch does appear to be original and period correct from 1894 except for the minute hand.

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