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Mod 1, 18 sz, 11j, KW/KS, HC s/n 187581 "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Picture of Douglas Addy
Mod 1, 18 sz, 11j, KW/KS, HC s/n 187581

This is all I know about this watch. I would like to know if anyone can tell me more. The watch is running fine and is in a Duber coin case that appears to be original. The movement is brass has some interesting markings. If anyone is interested I will post photos.
Doug, The Sn for your watch puts it at c-1877-78. I don't recall seeing any Deuber marked cases that early. He was making cases, but they were marked "Newport". Maybe others have seen Dueber marked cases from that early. I believe the Deuber marked cases began around 1888 when he moved the case works to Canton.

There is also the chance that the original case was damaged about 10-15 years after the watch hit the street and a new case was applied.

There is also the chance that the watch sat in storage for 10 years or more before being cased and sold.

IHC Life Member
Picture of Douglas Addy
The case s/n is 84617. Does this tell you anything about case. Thanks for the info.

Hi Doug, There are no records for most all case manufacturers. Also, case manufacturers did not do sequencial numbering like watch companies did. When they would start a new case model, they might start a whole new SN string.

Your case might be original (the first one to house your watch), but my guess is that your case is a little later than the watch movement.

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