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Illinois Bunn Special Question "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz

I would like more information on this Illinois 21j Bunn Special sixty hour. #4900201

IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz

IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Hello Keith,

Your question involves a 16-size, Lever-Set, Open-Face, 21-Jewel, Model 14, Bunn Special, Type III from 1927 production. At that time and and through 1929 the Bunn Specials were still available to resellers as movement only. For that reason, it may be properly cased either in a Bunn Special case or any time-period-correct case the buyer may have chosen at time of purchase.

The "Type III" is the most plentiful of all Sixty-Hour Bunn Specials with some 92,000 having been produced.

Here's a synopsis of the differences...

The Type I has "Motor Barrell 60" by the crown wheel.

The Type II has "Motor Barrell 60" and "SIXTY HOUR" above Bunn Special.

The Type III does not have the "60" but it still does have "SIXTY HOUR" above Bunn Special.

From there we go to the 161 and 161A variants.

Hope this is of help,


IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Thanks Lin

This is exactly the information I was looking for.

IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Need help on this 17j Bunn #2600359. Is this a correct dial?

IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz

IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

In a word, absolutely that dial is right in every way. Wink

They began to phase in the "arched" Illinois signature beginning in 1915 and the 1914 example you shared with us should have a dial signed like the one sown. In fact, my 2-Jewel "Fish-scale" which is from a year earlier has that exact dial.

You found a very desirable movement too, they made more than 11,000 with an "Adjuster, Temp and Five Positions" marking, but yours with "Temperature" spelled out is the more uncommon one with only 2,000 produced.

Uncommon marking is key to value...

IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Thanks Lin

Thanks for the information on the 17j Bunn. So the watch is dated to 1914 and a correct dial. Is this a correct type of case for this year? If this is uncommon and only 2,000 were made of this variation is this from the first run.(#2600359)

To change the subject to the 21j Bunn Special Sixty Hour (the first post). Would any body have a nice first model Bunn Special case for sale(white perfered). Just email me.
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Glad to be of help Keith,

Apparently the first 17-Jewel, 16-size Bunns were numbered 2571701 through 2571900 inclusive. The blocked numbers show these were never big sellers, probably because the watch companies were pushing higher priced watches created by adding cap-jewels to make them sound more important. Remember, these 17-Jewel watches are "fully-jeweled" and anything above 17 or 19-Jewels serve no real purpose, particularly in Railroad Time Service.

Today the 17 and 19-Jewel Bunns are often overlooked by many collectors caught up in the value run-up of the 23-Jewel Bunn Specials. That makes these affordable and what a beginning collector might consider. To me these represent what a sensible working man would have bought when they were new, and are a fine value today.

About finding a first model case for your watch, perhaps we could get together sometime soon and consider what is available.


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