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SANGAMO MODEL 13 CASE NEEDED? "Click" to Login or Register 
I Have A 1925 Model 13 Sangamo Special that needs a case. I've tried a number of different cases, but it seems rather particular, as cases go. Is there a case other than the Illinois stiff bow case that will work? I've tried Keystone, B&B, Duebner and a few others, but they only seem to work for the earlier Model 10. Any suggestions?


IHC Member 1338
John; Your watch is a 17 size watch, only that Sangamo Special case will work for it. Most of the Model 10s were 16 size, altho they made a 17S Model 10 48 hr watch for a yr or 2 in 1921-22?
ALL Model 13s were 17 Size

I have seen other Model 13s in different cases but how they horsed that movement in there is beyond me, plus it would be about as incorrect a marriage as exists

I have a Model 13 case, unfortunately you'll have to buy the whole watch to get it, on a RARE occasion, I have seen cases only for sale, but dont hold your breath waiting for one to come up

Does yours have a case? If case is rough, consider selling the entire watch and buying another Model 13 is the only advice I can offer...Good Luck!

Tom Dunn...
Thanks for the help Tom. That answers my question. I bought the movement by itself, no case. I'll probably just sell it and wait for a whole, one like you said.

Thanks again.
IHC Member 1338
Check your dial and see if it's a 17 size and the condition

Those dials alone are quite valuable lots of people looking for them, as they got duped into buying one with a 16 size dial on it as they look virtually identical in most ways except for the size. (It happened to me once, that's the price of education sometimes) With the bezel snapped shut you cannot tell. It happened a LOT, believe me. And the movement w/o a dial should still fetch in the 300 range.

That'd be your best bet. I have a pretty nice one here I'm going to sell if you're interested. All correct needs nothing running well

Tom Dunn...
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