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Rail Road King question. "Click" to Login or Register 
I have had this Rail Road king in my collection for a number of years and always wondered about the markings. It is marked with the Rail Road King marking but instead of Illinois Watch Co marked on the Barrel bridge, it is instead marked Alleghany, Pa. It is serial # 507,707 and is 15j. The double sunk dial is marked Illinois Watch Co.
It would seem odd to me that the person buying the watch, and obviously paying extra for the additional engraving would have only changed the city and state.
Unless, the dial was private label as well and has been swapped. Mad Any ideas?.

This is the way I have seen most of these marked. It is serial # 1195549 and 16j with a double sunk Rail Road King marked dial.

Ray, FYI. Allegheny, PA is now part of the city of Pittsburgh, PA. It was what is now known as the North Side (the location of Heinz field and PNC Park). Pittsburgh annexed Allegheny in 1902 and it became part of the city. For whatever reason, it was at that time that the "h" was added to "Pittsburg".

Thanks Tom for the interesting information, Seems to have pretty popular as I have a few private labels with that signature.
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