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Watch Case "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Frank Juchniewicz
While I'm in the Illinois forum, I have one more question. Illinois Watch Case Co., the Spartan model case, is it a base metal case or aluminum? Thanks for your time on this.

IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

The "Spartan" case was just that, spartan, the dictionary meaning being... "joyless, grim,bare, stark or plain" ...they were indeed base-metal cases. As an aside there were aluminum cases made back in the late 1800s when, believe it or not aluminum was considered a precious metal. Eek Today they are an interesting rarity.

And always remember the Illinois Watch Company of Springfield, Illinois and the Illinois Watch CASE Company of Elgin, Illinois (sometimes known as "Elgin Giant" and other monikers) were two very separate companies and really had little if anything in common beyond their first name Big Grin and the state where they resided.

Picture of Frank Juchniewicz
Lindell, thanks again for the timely reply. I had a feeling,but wasn't real sure about the Spartan case.

I knew that the Watch company and the Watchcase company where unrelated,just thought I'd ask in the Illi.. Forum.

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