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Serial number 151183 "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1324
This is an Illinois in a hunter case. B&B Royal case. It is key wound or stem. Run great keeps good time. I looked up the serial number and it appears to have been manufactured in the 1870's or 1880's. My grandfather was a watch maker and I found about 40 pocket watches in his workbench. I have several fusee movement watches from the 1700's and many different brands of American pocket watches. Some run some need work which I am doing at this time. I need help from someone that knows time pieces. I have one pocket watch that is from the early 1720's that he told my father to hang on to because it was a very special watch. My grandfather claimed it was one of only 2 made. The other belonging to the Queen of England. This weekend I will get some picture of it if anyone is interested or maybe go give me direction. Thank your help.

IHC Life Member

Picture of Jerry King
Hello Richard....the Illinois is a very interesting watch and the others that you describe sound more than interesting....

We would love to see the photos of your watches and that would make it much easier to advise you on each, as we have several watchmakers in our club and they will be able to advise you as you need.....

Here is a link that will take you to one of our Master Watchmakers, his name is Chris Abell

He will be able to help you with any of your questions....

Show us some photos when you can....we love to see photos of watches....

IHC Life Member
Site Moderator

Picture of Tom Brown
Hi Richard

I would enjoy seeing those others, I like Old English watches & maybe we can find out some info on them. I have access to the British census so we might could find them in it.

Your Illinois is 18s 7J Model 2 lever set grade 1 made in Feb-May 1879. There were a total of 18,400 made in 33 runs between 1879-1885

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