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help me identify my watch "Click" to Login or Register 
I have an Illinois pocket watch that I found in a shoe box in a garage 40 years ago. I can not find this watch on any sites. The serial # 4560776 and the case number is 119311. It has a glass front that opens, it opens twice in the back. The inside reads : ILLINOIS WATCH CO ,stamped 21 jewels, adjusted 3 position
The back cover has a lot of etched detail. The oval on the bottom looks like a house on the bank with a boat. I hope these pictures help.
Thank You
Tony Darrer

IHC Life Member
Site Moderator

Picture of Tom Brown

There are others that know more than me but I show by your serial number that this should be a Model 9 16 size, lever set open face, three quarter plate, 21 jewel grade 806. A photo of the movement would help.
thanks Tom,
Can I send more than one photo?

heres another picture

one more


last one

IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Tony, your question was asked and politely answered by Tom Brown just twenty minutes after you posted it. I think that is pretty good and you were gracious to thank him. I'm not sure why you started a second topic about it in the same forum with four of your six images so I deleted that topic and responded here in hope that I could be of further assistance.

Tom's recitation is entirely correct but I'll expand on it a bit for you...

Tony, according to factory records your movement number 4560776 should be a 16-size Lever-Set, Open-Face, 21-Jewel, Model 9 and Grade 806 from 1925 production. Between 1914 and 1927 they made 37,290 of those movements. Your movement looks good, the dial and all three hands are appropriate and most likely original equipment.

I find the wide-slot lever-cut interesting. Either the case once held a movement with an "8-minutes" lever-cut that was widened or the user had the lever-slot widened because the original one was to narrow for him to get his thumb-nail on the lever in order to pull it out. Check the rim around your movement in search of extra case-screw markings.

Feel free to ask additional questions in this topic, we're here to help.

Best wishes.


Hello Lindell,
Thanks for getting back to me on this. I have been on line every night for the past 5 nights trying to identify my watch. I can't seem to duplicate the casing anywhere. Most of the watches of that year where marked "BUNN SPECIALS" which I know this is not mine. I also haven't seen a design on the back like mine. Are there many different types. Does the serial #119311 in the casing help identify. Also I gave a wrong serial number. the right one is #4560767. Is there a book I can purchase that will help me answer these questions. When I measured the face only it measures 1 11/16ths. across which I thought was an size 18. Could the movement have been put in a different case? Also I can't find a marking as to show if it is Gold or Gold filled. Everything I've read says they're all marked. Or am I just making myself crazy over this. How will I truly know what I have?
IHC Member
Tony-People love questions here and you have plenty! I can help some,as for your serial number being off by that much i'm sure the info you got was correct.
A real handy way to identify watches is by using the "Complete Price Guide To Watches". This book is very handy to have especially for beginners asking questions. I believe it would answer most of yours-and that would certainly lead to more that can be answered here!
You can buy one here or IHC185 eBay auctions, there's a nice cover included, pens, and other info you may find handy. To get our exclusive watch guide offer "Join and Support Internet Horology Club 185" at the underlined link or go to the top of this page.
You'll save a couple bucks,too.

IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle


Your case looks to be Gold-Filled and it most likely is, please report any information other that the number that should appear on each component. There may or may not be a maker's name or other information. Many cases were not well marked until government intervention in the 1920s forced full disclosure of the gold content.

At the time your watch was sold the first owner would choose the case, then it was cased and timed by the retail selling jeweler as part of the transaction. Your case may or may not have housed a previous movement, look carefully at the rim around the edge of the movement for an half-round "gouges" that may be there.

Marty's advice on the watch guide and joining IHC185 is a good start, for further instructional reading check our "Two Book Offer" and see if those might be helpful to you.

Let us know whenever we might be of help,


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