March 29, 2018, 16:39
David PerieIllinois Bunn Special 161 Family Questions
Hi All,
Just wondering about the Illinois 161 variants. Lots of 163 discussions but not as much info on the 161's.
According to Bill Meggers' Illinois Big Blue Book on Page 125 there are 8 variants. But I know errors have been found in the past. I am really wondering about #s 5 & 6 on the chart they provide. I have 1-4 and 7, know the 161B is out there, but have not seen or sniffed these other 2. Does anyone have them in their collections? They look like frankenwatches but probably would not be in the book if that was the case. So just wondering what folks smarter than me know about this. (adding images referenced below)
March 29, 2018, 16:45
David Perie4-6 (Have 4, wondering about 5 & 6)
March 29, 2018, 16:46
David Perie7 & 8 (Have 7 at least know 8 exists)
March 30, 2018, 19:17
Larry LamphierWOW!!!...I feel like I was back in SCHOOL tonight!
THIS one goes printed and kept in my "Illinois Watch Info" Folder!!
Thank you for taking the time to Help us understand these Illinois watches better Lindell!

Best Regards,
March 30, 2018, 21:23
David PerieThanks a lot for the valuable info, much appreciated!