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Correct Hands for 161 & 163 Bunn Specials "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Hello all. I am curious to know if anyone has information to verify when the hands used on the 16s Bunn Specials were changed from the traditional plum collored hands used by Illinois to the Lt blue or bright blue hands one typically finds on the 163A and 161A models. Was the change made immediatly after Hamilton took over--were some of the leftover Model 14 60 hr watches fitted with blue hands at the factory? Was the changeover made during the 161 or 163 runs? From what I have seen it certainly appears that the 161A and 163A models left the factory with the later blue hands--don't know about the 161s or 163s and the leftover model 14 60hr watches. Also, at least to me (still a novice at this remember)the Blue hands I have seen on later Model 15 Bunn Specials (including the 163A and 161A that I own) resemble the blue hands used by Hamilton on some of their watches during the same era. Can anyone elaborate on whether or not the Blue hands used on these late Bunn Specials were in fact identical to blue hands used on other Hamlton watches during the same time frame? Thanks in advance to those who reply with info.
Smile Gregory Hall
Greg...According to the experts that have shared this information with me, the change from Plum hands to Hamilton style blue occurred in 1928. Early in '28 all Plum. In the middle of '28 both were used. Toward the end of '28 they seemed to have run out of Plum, and from then on used Hamilton style blue.....Robert
Most collectors look for plum hands before 5,000,000 and blue after. This I assume is right in line with Roberts dates above.

The blue hands appear to be the same as Hamilton, except hands fitted to Hamiltons will be too big for the Illinois.

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