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More information needed on a 23 jewel Bunn Special "Click" to Login or Register 
I inherited a 23 jewel Illinois Bunn Special sixty hour pocket watch. The serial number is 5180865. The case model is #28 10K gold filled. I am curious as to when this watch was made and an idea of it's value. Other photos available.

Interior of watch
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Hello Harold,

Your Bunn Special number 5180865 is listed in the Illinois Encyclopedia as a 16-size, Lever-Set, Open-Face, 23-Jewel, Model 14, Type III from 1929 production. What I find interesting is the fact yours is marked "Illinois Watch Co." as that indicates the train bridge was finished a bit earlier. After the Hamilton take-over was complete they dropped the "Co." and from then on the marking was simply "Illinois Watch" with the implication they were a division of Hamilton rather than a separate company. In recent years we began to call yours with the "Co" marking a Type III A and the somewhat later marking that eliminated the "Co." as a Type III B for purposes of variant identification. That later marking then continued through the end of Bunn Special production.

Here is the topic titled "BUNN SPECIAL 23 JEWEL MOTOR BARREL 60 TYPE I, II AND III BOTH "A" AND "B" VARIANTS!"wherein Steve Middlesworth and I first published the information on and illustrations of the Type III A and Type III B variant movements.

As to values, the new 2011 "Complete Guide to Watches" lists your Bunn Special on page 279 as having a range of 600 / 1,000 and 1,500 depending on condition. If yours has a marked "23-Jewels, 60 Hour" dial that increases current value to 1,200 / 2,000 and 2,400 again dependent upon condition. Your marked "Model 28" case is also important and adds interest as well as a value premium to collectors.

Hope this is of help and please accept this as my personal invitation to Join and Support the Internet Horology Club 185™ for only $12.00 Annual Dues, since IHC is staffed entirely by unpaid volunteers all your dues money goes to advancing the study of Horology. As we often say this is the best $12.00 you will ever spend.

Let us know whenever we might be of help in any way,


Thank you for the information Lindell. The dial is marked with "23 jewels 60 hour." (see image)
I'll followup with the links you suggested and become a paying member also.

23 Jewel Bunn Special front
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Very nice example Harold,

That is the desirable dial Cool cited in the watch guide and additional details here...


And... "WELCOME ABOARD" as IHC Member 1544 your 2011 "Complete Guide to Watches" shipped this morning.


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