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IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall
Our 14-year-old Sheltie, Marilla, has made numerous visits to the vet lately. On one visit she was fitted with one of those lampshade devices. It's the adjustable type that suppose to fit "all size dogs". Well, it didn't. We had to buy one of those small designer ones at Petsmart. Now she looks like an antenna dish searching for a signal instead of a table lamp searching for plug.

Anyway, it's a good thing we didn't toss the "lamp shade" because it works quite well as a light diffuser. I've got a lot of tweaking left to do with light positioning and such.

In the next week or so I will be reporting back with my testing on some of the different type bulbs. I ordered a 20 watt Ott-lite Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL). I couldn't see spending a hundred bucks for the complete outfit when all I needed was the bulb. The CFL is a twist type that will fit standard light sockets. I plan on using it for photography and bench lighting.

The picture of the Elgin 0s was taken using the dog shade and two GE "Reveal" 75-watt bulbs. I had my camera white balance set for incandescent lighting but still had to tweak the colors afterwards.

John D. Duvall
Vice President, Education

Pet Hood
Posts: 1123 | Location: Arizona U.S.A. | Registered: January 21, 2003
IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall
Elgin 0s

John D. Duvall
Vice President, Education

Elgin 0s Fancy Dial
Posts: 1123 | Location: Arizona U.S.A. | Registered: January 21, 2003
Nice watch John, and your lighting looks pretty good to me, all even all around no glare.
Do you use a filter on your camera?
Been thinking about getting one. Smile Smile

IHC Member 261
Chapter 111,Ottawa
NAWCC Member 158976,
Nepean, Canada
Posts: 2133 | Registered: June 01, 2003
IHC Life Member
Picture of John D. Duvall

I don't use a filter at this time. I'm awaiting some full spectrum (daylight) bulbs to arrive in hopes that I can obtain truer colors. The actual color of this watch dial is green and white. As you can see, there is too much green tint in the overall balance. I'm still experimenting with the white balance on my camera.

John D. Duvall
Vice President, Education
Posts: 1123 | Location: Arizona U.S.A. | Registered: January 21, 2003
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