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moving the minute hand backward on a fusee powered chronometer "Click" to Login or Register 
I’ve always heard that you should NEVER move the hands of a marine chronometer backwards; only forward in a clockwise direction. Recently I was talking with a clock expert who told me that I could move the minute hand of my 1875 chronometer backward a few minutes without harming the mechanism. He said that most fusee movements will allow this kind of adjustments without damage.

My chronometer is 1 minute 12 seconds fast and holding. I would like to move it back to the correct minute, but have been afraid to try.

Question: is it ok to move the minute hand of a marine chronometer back a minute or two?
Posts: 88 | Location: Brunswick, Georgia in the USA | Registered: February 13, 2011
IHC Life Member

Only my opinion, but, would it not be better to stop the marine chronometer for a minute or two, than push it backwards? There must be an expert or two out there to tell us the correct thing to do.

Just my two cents worth.

Posts: 693 | Location: Washington in the USA | Registered: May 23, 2010
Thanks, Steven. I like the idea, however to stop it, I have to unscrew the bezel, invert it and remove it from its housing and then I'm not exactly sure how to safely stop the delecate mechanism.

I supose I could let it run down, move the hands forward to a time in the future, wind the mechanism (hoping it does not start running on its on) then "jiggle it" at a precise start time...but that sure sounds clunky to me; there must be a better way. Any suggestions appreciated!
Posts: 88 | Location: Brunswick, Georgia in the USA | Registered: February 13, 2011
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