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Picture of Stephan Gaal
NO !!!!! The other place. The drivers cab.

Posts: 431 | Location: South Victoria, Australia | Registered: January 18, 2007
Picture of Stephan Gaal
I was going to add these to my earlier thread but it was getting a bit slow so I started a new one.
This picture is just to give you a better idea of the size of things. The watch is a 992B

Posts: 431 | Location: South Victoria, Australia | Registered: January 18, 2007
Picture of Donald E. Jones
Steve, can you show us more pictures?

D. E. Jones
Posts: 73 | Location: Sulphur Springs, Texas USA | Registered: June 29, 2006
Picture of Stephan Gaal
Hello Donald,
Not sure if you wanted more pictures of that loco or some other ones. Please let me know. The man who built this only had a photo to go from and some castings for something else that he modified. It took him nearly 20 years to build this but he could not get it to go . He and I became friends and one day he asked me to follow him to the car because he had something for me. This was it. He said he was to old to move it around any more so I could have it. It took me about 3 months to go over it and correct the problems. I also had the pleasure of running it for him just before he passed. He was very happy to finally see it go after all those years.
I know what it is. Does anyone else recognise it. I think the colours are wrong.

Posts: 431 | Location: South Victoria, Australia | Registered: January 18, 2007
Picture of Stephan Gaal
Better answer the question I asked. The engine is a Mason-bogie from the Denver, South Park and Pacific line, locted in Colarado. It would be nice to redo it in the proper colours but for the time being I will leave it as it was built.
Posts: 431 | Location: South Victoria, Australia | Registered: January 18, 2007
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