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Engineer's Watch on the Kipton Ohio Crash "Click" to Login or Register 
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Picture of Tom Brown
I have been reading articles about the crash of the passenger train & the mail train at Kipton on April 18, 1891.

Reading the report filed by M.J. McInarna Inspector to the commissioner of Ohio Railroads, he mentions in his report that he submitted a diagram of the conductors watch & affidavits concerning it.

The watch belonged to one of the Engineers that was killed, a Emery Eugene Bacon.

I was wondering if anyone has ever seen this diagrams etc., I was hoping to perhaps find out what the watch was.

Anyone it makes for interesting reading, I was trying to diagram the accident scene just to see how all the information relates to one another.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
That sounds like a doable project Tom. I've seen fairly detailed accounts of the incident on the internet, those could be compiled, analyzed, etc. Maps of the tracks involved should also be available.

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
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