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Westminster Chime Replacement-Hammer Placement "Click" to Login or Register 
I recently replaced the chimes in a Herschede Westminster Chime Clock. One of the chime rods had broken, so I replaced all four rods in the exiting block using a tuned chimed rod set. The rods are slightly different lengths than the original set, but the new chimes work great.

I noticed the hammers are screwed to the srike rods and can be moved if the set screws are loosened. What is the purpose for being able to move the hammers to strike at diffeerent places on the rod? Is there a "sweet spot" that is the ideal location for the hammer to hit the rod that maximizes the tone or volume? Or does the spot where the hammer hits the rod not matter at all? Any thoughts? Thanks
Posts: 4 | Location: West Bloomfield, Michigan USA | Registered: September 17, 2004
Edward, I think the reason for the screw is so that you can replace the material on the hammer easily and to be able to place the hammer in a position that gives the most pleasing tone. I find that putting it anywhere from 1/4" to 1/2 " from the mounting bracket is a good place.
Mike C.
Posts: 152 | Location: Telford, Pennsylvania USA | Registered: May 21, 2005
Thanks Michael You answered my question well.
Posts: 4 | Location: West Bloomfield, Michigan USA | Registered: September 17, 2004
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