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Poljot 6MX Service "Click" to Login or Register 
I'm new to these forums. About a year ago I acquired a Poljot 6MX chronometer. It's not keeping very good time; several seconds per day, and, if I understand correctly, these should keep time to a few tenths of a second per day. Can anyone tell me where to look for getting one of these overhauled and back up to spec?

Posts: 2 | Location: Seattle, Washington State in the USA | Registered: May 16, 2010
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
Hi Jeffrery, I am really sorry that I did not pick up on your question much sooner. a Local friend and "Mentor/Watchmaker", Mr Valdimir Gelfer learned watchmaking at the Poljot factory in the earl 1950's and is quite familiar with your chronometer. He serviced my Poljot (pic) deck watch and it remains within about 2 sec/day and 10 sec/month.

He is at;
Watch and Clock Repair
6179 Lake Murray Blvd.
La Mesa, CA 91942

Ph: (619) 460 9627
Vladimir has only learned about 500 words in his "english" vocabuilary, so if you have trouble communicating, send me some pictures of your Poljot and I can help "translate".

Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
Hi, David

Many thanks for your reply, I appreciate you referring me to Vladimir. in addition to the Poljot chronometer, I also have the same deck watch as you. I bought it new in 2001 and I'm pretty sure it needs cleaning and lubrication. Mine has never run as accurately as yours, so I'm glad to know what it's capable of.

Sounds like it's best for me to write him rather than trying to talk to him on the phone. Does he read English well? My sister in law speaks fluent Russian, so I could ask her to translate my letter.
Posts: 2 | Location: Seattle, Washington State in the USA | Registered: May 16, 2010
IHC Life Member
Picture of Frank Kusumoto
IF things don't work out there, in Denver there are three Ukrainian's (all in their 80's) who could handle that. They work at Right Time.
Posts: 1029 | Location: Denver, Colorado U.S.A. | Registered: October 08, 2004
IHC Life Member
Picture of Scott Cerullo
That is seriously the nicest looking Russian watch movement I have ever seen.
For a while I was servicing the new Russian watches that are being pitched on tv and the internet. They really had some serious finishing problems, ran lousy and were being sold for big money.

That pocket watch of yours looks awesome.
How old is that watch?
Posts: 1033 | Location: Northeast Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: June 02, 2003
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