Were the winding arbor comes through the front plate on the time side the hole is about .65in and the arbor is about .75in. If I wedge a thin piece of cardboard in the hole to center the arbor the clock runs. What can I do for a permanent fix? Do I need to make bushing that size and how would I do it?
Posts: 7 | Location: Massachusetts in the USA | Registered: June 04, 2007
Gary, Can you send a photo? What was the original bearing material? Was it metal, wood, bone, etc. A general rule is to make your repair invisible and reversable if possible. Best Regards, Dick
Posts: 311 | Location: Berthoud, Colorado USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
From the limited information, it may need to be bushed. The material for the bushing should be the same as what was there, or what is there on the strike side. Depending on the type of material for the bushing, dictates the method used for the bushing repair. The method can vary depending on the bushing material.