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Kundo Electronic Pendulum Clocks "Click" to Login or Register 
My sister and brother-in-law bought a Kundo Electronic clock several years ago and brought it to me to check out. I forgot why I did it but I bought an adapter from LaRose to be able to use common AA batteries for power instead of the original type, I think it used a less common type of battery that was expensive if it could be found. Anyway, I put the adapter in and the clock ran for several months until someone knocked it off the top of some furniture and smashed the glass dome. I mentioned the clock around Thanksgiving and they found it tucked away in a closet. I brought it home and put it a new battery but it won't run now. Here's a picture.

Posts: 676 | Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
Side view. The pendulum has a lever attached that pushes a toothed wheel on one side of the swing and there is a pawl to keep the tooth from turning backwards.

Posts: 676 | Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
Now the questions Is the adapter still available from any of the supply houses? Which lead connects to which post on the adapter? When I got home with the clock both leads were loose from the adapter; there is a red lead and a blue lead. I have tried switching the leads and nothing happens. Here's what the adapter looks like. Can I use the Horolovar adapter instead of this one? It doesn't appear to have any of the electronic components that are on the one in the picture. Is it possible to check the circuit in the adapter to determine if it is broken somewhere?

Posts: 676 | Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
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