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Hide glue and spirit stain "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Willy Coffin
I've learned the importance of using materials to restore clocks that were used when the clock was manufactured. Today's glue makes future restorations difficult, if not impossible. Spirit Stain (an alcohol-based stain), from what I've learned, is the best type of stain to use to blend spots on clock cases (as it will disolve some of the laquer and make the spot blend with the rest of the old finish).

My problem is...
Where do you find these old materials? Where can you find animal hide glue? Spirit stain is no longer available in the local hardware store (although, I did find alcohol-based stain in the form of a stain marker).

Can anyone advise me where I can find these materials? Is there a way I can make them myself (a recipe for hide glue or alcohol stain)?

Any advise would be appreciated.
Posts: 38 | Location: Chenoa, Illinois USA | Registered: June 29, 2003

I found some information on this link you may find useful.


Posts: 945 | Location: Geneva, Illinois in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Willy Coffin
Thanks Aaron. I found it to be useful and found other links, as well.
Posts: 38 | Location: Chenoa, Illinois USA | Registered: June 29, 2003
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