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Advice-Have Clock Ratchet Holding Weight Wheel Lose? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Mark Nathanson
I have a clock that was overhauled 8 months ago. Was working fine. I went to wind up the weight and no clicking. The ratchet that holds the wheel for the weight is lose. It swings real easy. It doesn't stay on wheel to make it click and keep the wheel from staying up. Any idea on how to fix it? Appreciated, thanks.
Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
Mark, it sounds as if the click spring has broken, or it isn't putting enough pressure on the ratchet pawl (click).
Posts: 152 | Location: Telford, Pennsylvania USA | Registered: May 21, 2005
Picture of Greg Reeves
It really depends on what is wrong with it. As Michael said: " could be the click spring is broken", in that case you would either need to buy a new one, repair the old one or make a new one.

Sometimes the spring just needs to be bent somewhat to create more of a "spring" effect or tightness, thereby pushing the click further into the teeth.

It could be that the "click" has come loose and the click spring has over run it. In that case you would need to replace the click spring over the top of the click and "re-rivet" it so as to be tighter but not too tight. I use a paper thin piece of metel under the ratchet and then re-pean the rivet.
Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
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