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Broken metal trim on black shelf clock "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi folks
I just recently received a Kroeber black enameled iron case clock in the mail. One of the metal "feet" has broken where it attaches to the side of the clock. The break is not weight-bearing. What would be the best method of repair?
I am not proficient with soldering. Is there any kind of glue that would work?

I have accessed the "find" messsages but not found exactly my problem.

Thanks in advance for your replies.
Posts: 119 | Location: Lookout Mountain, Georgia U.S.A. | Registered: October 14, 2004
Hi Pattye, There is a two-part epoxy made to repair metal that is quite strong, called "J-B Weld." Do a computer search to read about it first (product can be found at automotive supply stores and some hardwares).

If this is cast iron, it can be brazed or silver-soldered--both can be risky if not done professionally as they involve a lot of flame heat from a torch.

I would go with the J-B Weld epoxy and eliminate the risk. After mixing a dab well (1 to 1) on cardboard, apply a THIN coat over the broken area and find a way to hold the two parts tightly together overnight (rubber bands, clamp, etc.). You will have a few minutes to get it positioned right before it starts to cure or set up--so be sure it is in place tightly by then. You can then trim all the small excess that squeezes out around joint next day with sharp knife. This won't ruin your parts and YOU can do it!

Best regards,
Posts: 111 | Location: From the Heartland of America | Registered: February 17, 2005
Thanks Larry:

I can do that. Just what the Dr. ordered.

I will let you know how it works!

Posts: 119 | Location: Lookout Mountain, Georgia U.S.A. | Registered: October 14, 2004
Hi to those who replied:

I used the JB Weld and it worked beautifully!

Thanks again!
Posts: 119 | Location: Lookout Mountain, Georgia U.S.A. | Registered: October 14, 2004
Glad it worked for you, Pattye.

Best regards,
Posts: 111 | Location: From the Heartland of America | Registered: February 17, 2005
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