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Help To Put New Glass In Bezel? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Mark Nathanson
The glass on my Gilbert Banjo bezel clock broke. I ordered new glass. How can I get it back in bezel? Looks like there is no easy way to get it into rim. There are three pins that looks to hold it in, but looks permanent. How can I get it back in the bezel? Help appreciated, thanks.
Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
The ring inside the bezel will turn and then you will be able to remove it. After that, put the glass in and replace the ring turning in the opposite direction of taking it out until it’s tight.
Posts: 130 | Location: Fredericksburg, Texas U.S.A. | Registered: September 25, 2004
It's probably just the way I see your picture Mark but it looks like the Bezel rotates along those three pins until it hits the bottom of the slope on the Bezel which in turn would allow the bezel to be removed.After installing your new glass would would then rotate the Bezel the opposite way to wedge the high part of the slopes against the three pins which would then retain the Bezel.At least that's what it looks like to me.
Respectfully,Bob Fullerton
Posts: 181 | Location: New Castle, Delaware U.S.A. | Registered: December 15, 2004
Picture of Mark Nathanson
Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. Appreciated!!!
Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
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