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Your suggestions for Welch Iron Case Project? "Click" to Login or Register 
Hello, All. I'm new to the forum and relatively new to repair/restoration work. I'm tackling an ebay special and would appreciate some suggestions for this Welch black iron-cased shelf clock. I've cleaned the movement which is now happily ticking away on my bench (apparently the easy part of this project), and now I'm turning attention to the case. Here are my questions: (1) It seems to be an enamel finish. Other than dirt, the flaws seem to be mildew and some rust speckles. I would like to clean rather than refinish. Is this a productive effort, given the rust, and what is the best way to reclaim the original finish as much as possible? I'm considering an automotive "cleaner wax.” (2) The original scrollwork/engraving/etching in the case seems to have been white rather than gold. Can someone confirm what the original should look like? (3) One of the feet and one of the column capitals are missing. They appear to be pot metal that has a greenish black finish, akin to bluing, blacking or the like. Some areas have an oil-slick-like multicolor sheen. They do not match the styles available from Timsavers. Any suggestions for (a) finding original replacements (preferred) or (b) finishing new pot metal parts with a similar finish? I don't think shiny gold would look quite right on this clock. Thanks in advance for your suggestions. David

Posts: 3 | Location: Sandy Spring, Maryland USA | Registered: February 14, 2007
Here is an image of the foot and capitals. David

Posts: 3 | Location: Sandy Spring, Maryland USA | Registered: February 14, 2007
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