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5 private labels from same small Illinois town "Click" to Login or Register 
I have a little collection of five different private label 18s watches here from two different jewelry stores in the same small town in east central Illinois. This is my wife's home town and I would never have thought such watches would exist to say nothing of survived the years. Paris is the county seat of a farming community with a max population of 12k "back in the day".

a second watch...

....a third watch from Mr. Haug.

a typical signed dial like this one on the Bunn Special are found on each watch.

Picture of Dave Turner
Nice collection Mike,
I just saw one on ebay lately.

Dave Turner
And finally here are 2 watches from the store of JH Reed. They are both Illinois.

Hi Dave,
Of course you did. I bought it! Wink
Picture of Dave Turner
That's what I figured. In fact, I looked up Paris when I saw it listed. I'm from west central Illinois. Looking for a Galesburg labeled.

Dave Turner
Picture of George Ulrich
look for Wilber & Peterson private label from Galesburg il.
Picture of Dave Turner
Interesting George,
What can you tell me about Wilber & Peterson?

Dave Turner
Picture of George Ulrich
Illinois made 1890 quanity run 100 grade 64s 15 jewel ladd hunter case 18s serial#1059997. I checked Galesburg records both families were business men in 1880's making snuff and things there are quite a few petersons named in galesbueg's r.r. museum...george
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