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POST IMAGES FOR HOSTING ON IHC185 "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle


IHC185 Members and registered users can easily post Photo Gallery images or add a .jpg image along with each post on our Discussion Site. We suggest sizing images to 640 X 480 pixels or less. It is also important to properly compress the file size of the .jpg image prior to posting. For example, the images I post are usually compressed to well under 100 kbps and I find that 60kbps or 70kbps provides a good result.

Most cameras produce an image that is far too large to use on the internet and therefore must be downsized. The downsizing and compression is accomplished using imaging software. I use and recommend "Photoshop Elements" an Adobe product that costs less than a hundred dollars. You can often find a bargain on an older version that is still in a factory sealed carton, that can be an excellent value. There is also free software available. Our members have recommended some good ones such as Picasa and IrfanView recently VSO has been recommended.

When posting look for "CLICK" TO ADD IMAGE OR ATTACHMENT below your message posting screen.

"Click" the words and a sub-window will open. You'll see "File Source" or similar wording with a button marked "Browse" or "Choose File" underneath. That will locate and identify your images. (I like to have my images ready on the desktop for ease of operation but our system will find them in your files as well. Look below this message for a sample that may be of help to "Windows XP" users.) Hit the "Choose" after selecting the one you want then "Post Now" to upload the .jpg image along with your message. The method is similar on other Operating Systems.

NOTE: To post additional related images just click [Reply to Post] in the same topic.

Once you've done it a time or two you'll find it easy to post images that will illustrate a point, help sell a watch or clock, even become part of an important and permanent horological archive. We specifically DO NOT RECOMMEND the use of any third-party image hosting as images can literally be there today and gone tomorrow.

Hope everyone finds these instructions to be helpful, post questions in this forum.



Phone: 440-461-0167 afternoons eastern time.

John D. Duvall prepared this "Windows XP" posting example...

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